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Lighting Your Home Office

Working from home is becoming more and more common, especially with the current pandemic changing the way many businesses are operating. Perhaps your living room or even your dining area has become your new office. Or maybe you’ve been working from home for years and you’re a seasoned remote working pro! Whatever the case may be, it’s important to realize that working from home can be incredibly productive if you take the time to set up your office space well. You don’t have to deal with the regular workplace distractions of your colleagues, and you can surround yourself with the environment that makes you feel most at ease and helps you work the most efficiently. 



One of the most important parts of your workplace environment is the lighting. Odds are, you’re spending several hours a day in your home workspace. Lighting can either help you feel alert and productive, or sleepy and languid. Luckily, it’s fairly simple to brighten things up once you have the right knowledge at your fingertips. 







Ideal Lighting for Home Offices


Proper lighting, including the lighting of your home study, is known to have a positive affect on your mood energy levels. Most of us want to feel happy and upbeat when we’re working! Modern overhead LED lighting is a wonderful solution; not too bright and not too dull, LED lightbulbs are designed for efficiency. Not only will your ability to concentrate increase, but you’ll find your energy bill simultaneously decreasing. 






Task lights are also a key component of any successful home office setup. These can include desk lamps, which allow you to literally shine light on any task at hand. Choose one with a flexible arm so you can adjust the height and angle to your preference. 







Colour Temperature 


Don’t neglect the colour temperature when considering which study lighting is best for your home office. A temperature of at least 4000K is recommended, which is the perfect blend of bright light with a cool blue hue to keep you alert and active. 







Natural Light


Remember the benefits of natural light; try choosing a workspace with windows. Natural light has been praised for providing happier work environments and boosting the health of employees. In fact, a 2014 study found that people who were exposed to greater amounts of natural light at work were more likely to exercise, slept better and longer, and felt a greater sense of overall wellbeing than people that were working in offices with no natural light or windows. 







Task Lighting


Just because a certain room is where you get most of your work done doesn’t mean it has to look drastically different from the rest of your home. It’s possible to maintain a consistent style and interior design, so select home office lighting fixtures that complement your vibe. 






Task lighting is the perfect way to achieve this visually appealing consistency; if your home is a bit older or more traditional, consider a classy floor lamp. If you prefer a more modern and contemporary look, try a minimalist desk lamp. Ultimately, you get to pick what fits in your space and what makes you feel most at ease. 







Consider Location 


Lastly, it’s important to consider the location of your light fixtures. Avoid placing a light source directly behind you to reduce glare on any screens. In addition, you want to avoid having any shadows cast across your workspace, so make sure your body isn’t going to be between you and the lighting. And if possible, arrange your desk to be near a window; remember that natural light is the key to keeping the workplace bright and happy. 







Light Your Office Well, Boost Your Productivity


By taking a bit of extra care in designing the lighting for your home office, you’ll find yourself feeling more energized and emotionally brighter throughout the day. Your colleagues might even notice the change on your next Zoom call. So give it a try!






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